a short video exploring the body and its inner-world when confronted by the gaze of white supremacy… (2019)

Memory of a Bee.

Thinking thru everyday speech and everyday speech patterns of the proletariat, as markers for oral story telling and the poetics of space and time.

(a child said: “that was only 1min. 30sec. ?” & I replied: “it’s all T I M E , all you need is a little t.i.m.e.”)



How to lose control, Silence… (2018)

An avatar responds to Audre Lorde’s writings on Silence. After my father’s death I spent one year posting selfies on a special account. In the process I discovered an app which allowed me to turn the selfies into avatars and speak into them as a form of journaling. This was the beginning of a difficult and enlightening mourning process, which has seeped into all of my work. At its core is a kind of play and relationship to language which brings me back to the radical joy which has allowed me to survive many things in my life.

30 seconds


Purple Mother Tapestry (video)

Animation AR , 2:03 (2019)

The Purple Mother tells a story from her perspective as an artifact in Iraq. This piece comes out of a space I am thinking through that would induce lucid dreaming in the audience. One of the main ways I deal with my sadness and one of the main ways I work through my creative ideas is through lucid dreaming. The text for this work comes out of one such dream. This work is meant to be viewed through AR software on a cotton tapestry. I would like to fill a room that comes out of Islamic Architecture research filled with such story telling tapestries that would induce a lucid dream mode in the viewer through content, slight hallucinogenic movement in the hyper real animations, and a calm voice. This room was meant to explore my father’s refugee experience.